About Me

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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where I am going

"The Farm" is located in Trujillo, Honduras. It is directly on the on the Caribbean.

Check out their website:
Farm of the Child

Want to come visit? Here are the directions ;)

The Countdown

In just under four months I will have closed the door on my time in Austin, MN (I will try not to slam it. j/k) I will hopefully be mostly packed up and ready to head out for Guatemala (before Honduras). In reality, in four months I will probably be frantically shoving things into boxes and realizing quickly how much my life is about to change. As I write this the reality of how fast four months will go is hitting me. Not only do I have thousands of dollars to fundraise, there is also all the odds and ends to sort out. Doctors visits, health & life insurance (and if I listen to my insurance agent I'm suppose to figure out my will/power of attorney...), what to do with my car and probably half a million other things that I haven't yet thought of. For now though I thought I ought to set up this blog so I can share with all of you a bit of this amazing adventure that lies ahead. I hope to write as much as possible and post plenty of pictures. Anyone who knows me even a little knows I will take more than enough photos. I cannot guarantee once I'm in Honduras how often or to what extent I will be able to keep this updated, but I will do my best. In the meantime, stay tuned!!