Enjoying a beautiful sunset on the beach near The Finca.

Santa's Workshop

Cesar dancing with his sister Jenny at his Quinceanera

Amanda showing of her black belt skills during the missionary talent/no talent show in October ('12)

Diedre enjoying the going away dance in December.

One of my favorite pictures. Jose Manuel teaching Luz to ride bike during a rain storm.

The Notre Dame victory lift after they won the national championship.

Missionary community night: watching Olympic gymnastics.

Cati sporting sweet shades at a dance.

Some of the teens performing a dance.

Sisters Luz and Dorfa during our beach outing in December.

Luz enjoying the sand and the sun.

The House 1 girls anxiously waiting ice cream at Christmas brought my a group of American military men who visited.

Santa shows up with gifts.

Darwin making fish faces at his new gift.

Cati happily searching through her new backpack.

Santa and Sor Cristiam.

Giving a big thanks to donors at Christmas.

Dancin' Gangam Style

Kevin Mader's birthday. Cake designed by Laura Shaw.

View from the near by resort.

The resort's monkey "Chimey"

Their other monkey "Cheetah"

Decorating the house for Christmas.

New Year's Eve Mass

Behind the scenes preparations for the living nativity. This is really how angels get their wings.

The North Star

Joseph and Mary

The 3 wise "men"

Santa's elf a.k.a. Kiddissa

Shepards Emily and Kevin

Sister and Brother Nahomi and Duncan

Kevin and Emily showing off their swing dance skills.

The view at dusk

Mid-day on the beach

An intense game of cards during a relaxing retreat weekend in the mountains near La Ceiba.

Alison and Laura

Alison and Laura preparing to jump in.

Laura taking the dive

The younger kids pose in the nativity costumes.

Luz in her angel costume

That's better

The kids with all the shoes donated by a visiting church group.

House 2 girls leading music for Miriam's Quinceanera.

Miriam with her little brother Jose Pastor, little sister Seidy and her "cabellero" Jose Isabel.

Miriam receiving a ring from her father.

The traditional Waltz

Riccy with little Yadira

The bright smiles of sisters Kimberly and Brittany

Belkis is all smiles at the clown birthday party in February.

Yadira enjoying all the balls at the birthday party.

Erin Lucia using her painting skills.

Nahomi sporting some new tattoos.

Yadira is anxious to enter the bounce house.

Erin Marina testing out the new lion head installed by Harry.

"Judges" Erin Marina and Haydee consulting during February Finca Olympics.

Annoucning the Olympics winners.

Laura and the house 1 girls taking part in the water balloon toss.

Laura and House 1 at the "futbol" kick

Jose Manuel takes his turn.
Wilmer shows off his soccer skills.

Laura helping Yadira with the football throw.

David with Luz and Joel

Harrison with the House 5 boys

School is underway. Morning assembly kicks of the day with the school song, the national anthem and prayer.

1st grader Yensi lives next door to the farm. Her dad is a security guard here.

6th grade

Rony and Brayan hard at work.

My 2nd graders studying hard.

Rony showing of his kite flying skills.

Angel with House 3's pet squirrel "Lolo"

Brittany sporting flounder costume during TEMA (catechism class)

Brayan sporting a white tiger costume for TEMA. This was a dream come true for a little boy who is always pretending to be a tiger.

Disaster training at school... who new a week later we'd become a refugee camp.

All the teachers

A beautiful sunset looking toward The Farm.

Margine (one of our 2 psycologists/missionaries) from Nicaragua celebrating her birthday.

House 1 my "special friends" playing hopscotch.

Stations of the cross around The Farm.

House 3 wrestling with Kevin Mader.

Margine enjoying breakfast before our bi-annual cleaning day.

The radio room before cleaning day.

The kitchen before cleaning day.

Kevin cleaning the courtyard roof.

The radio room after cleaning day.

Celebrating St. Patrick's day with green pancakes, green eggs and sausage.

The many faces of Yadira :)

House 4 and 5 playing basketball with the FOCUS missionaries and Kevin.

Girls from Houses 2 and 6 as we wait for the plane to arrive.

House 4 and 5 boys, me and 2 Franciscan missionaries.

Getting a "tour" of the plane with Pilot Larry

FOCUS missionaries painting the kids' bedrooms. One of the walls in our living room is now this color. It's so pretty!

Heading to a "posa" (swimming hole in a river) with Houses 1 & 2 and FOCUS.

The walk back from the posa. You'd think these kids had never seen cows.

Dorfa keeping tabs on her sister and friend.

During our last talent show I shared the "talent" of making dirt cups.

My class the "newbies" finally got the band together.

Alison showing off her gymnastics skills.

Sara seranades everyone.

Harry and Erin Lucia share a bit of music.

Harry shares his rapping "talent".