There's nothing like a blizzard to bring people together.
In my case, it meant our house of five turned into a house of 12+ for the duration of Snowmagedon 2016.
I hadn't been in the same house as that many people since living in Honduras at The Farm. The joys and noise were about the same as well as the stress and mess.
However, I'll take Honduras' torrential tropical downpours any day over the below freezing blizzard conditions.
At first the timing of this storm seemed very unfortunate.
It hit just early enough on Friday that thousands of people had to cancel their plans to attend the March for Life in Washington, D.C.
Our house guests fell into the latter category.
Three of my four housemates are F.O.C.U.S. missionaries at the University of Maryland.
Between them and their male counterparts, their 7 visiting friends/ fellow missionaries, the male missionaries friends and my housemate's boyfriend there were so many faces.

I lost count of how many people were in and out of our Hostel... ahem... home.
This definitely came in handy though once the snow stopped falling and the sun came up.
Many hands and shovels made for light work and some really good food.