It's been a while since I've taken time to write. Ironically there's now 40 days until I leave. Why is it that 40 days of say lent seems to last forever, but suddenly now 40 days is barely enough time to get my life sorted. As the days tick down so do the number of hours I sleep. I am so grateful that it is Friday and I have the weekend to check more things off my to do list without having to worry about getting sleep for work.
One week from today I'll be even more thrilled because it is the start to a week long vacation. One might (if they were sane) use this time to get loose ends tied up, pack, sort out things like insurance, banking etc. I however, (since sanity seems to have left me) will instead be on my way out to Bismarck to run a 5K obstacle course. I am truly looking forward to this though, not in the least because it is running, but because I get to see some of my best friends who I rarely see since college.
I am also looking forward to the hours on end in my car. It will be a great chance to immerse myself in cd after cd of spanish for dummies. I love road trips and this one will take me on quite the tour of North Dakota. From Park Rapids, to Fargo and on to Bismarck with visits possible in Beulah, Minot, Devil's Lake, Grand Forks, and Whapeton all before returning to the cities and then Austin. I fully expect to return from vacation completely exhausted. An entire week of open road and catching up with some of the best people I could ever know. Doesn't get any better!
For now though it's time to head out and get a few more of the many things checked off my to do list.
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