About Me

- Katherine
- Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Ready, Set, Fly
It's really happening! I just purchased my plane tickets for Guatemala. (Now I'm just waiting for my credit card company to call or freeze my account.) Buying plane tickets is like the ultimate bargain hunting job. Call me crazy, but I think I definitely got the cheapest deal out there. That said, any donations are being wisely used! There still remains in the back of my mind that little voice that says... just wait until you get to the airport and they add a fee for everything from checked bags, to carry-ons. Even RyanAir (the renowned cheapest airline around) talked of adding fees for toilet use. After an uproar from passengers they recanted saying "we were only kidding".
I'll be flying out of Minneapolis super early on July 31st and arriving in Guatemala City that afternoon after a transfer in Miami. It's about a day earlier than I expected, but for safety reasons I decided it be best to arrive the same day as one of my fellow missionaries. There is also only one flight each day that arrives early enough in the day that I don't have to worry about taking a four hour bus ride at night.
I've done my fair share of traveling on my own, but there are a lot of firsts with this particular arrival. The last time I packed my life into suitcases for any extended period (5 months) I was heading to England. The massive amounts of luggage I and my classmates had made it a dead giveaway that we we're travelers.
However, it was at least a country that I could speak the language (for the most part) and as a pale redhead I pretty much fit in as English or at least Irish. This time around I will have plenty of luggage, but in no way will be mistaken as a local returning home. I could very well be the only pale redhead many in Guatemala have ever seen. Then there is the whole language thing... as I've said, the Taco Bell dog speaks better Spanish than I do. So all in all it is a good thing I was able to get the flight that I did.
I'll also be flying back to Minneapolis August 22nd a few days ahead of my sister's wedding. It will be a whirlwind weekend and I'll be flying back to Guatemala with my one-way ticket the following Monday. Although, I don't expect to blend in any better the 2nd time around I can say with confidence my Spanish speaking skills will at least be enough to upstage the taco dog!
Make today your best day,
Friday, May 18, 2012
75 Days & Counting
Wow! It's coming fast. There is still a lot to do before leaving. I technically don't even know for sure what day I am arriving in Guatemala. I'm pretty sure we have to be there August 1st... that's probably the first thing I should get sorted. I think we're supposed to have a conference call soon to sort out all the "small" details... you know things like when and where we're suppose to be heading. As many of you know I am definitely a planner, especially when it comes to traveling. I'm eager to book my plane tickets. Even more so I'm eager to know where I'll be staying in Guatemala so I can scope it out on Google Earth! A few people have told me about some beautiful places to scope out while going to language school.
Speaking of language school, it reminds me just how much work I have ahead. Unlike my fellow missionaries I've now been out of "school" two years. I remember well the sense of freedom I had after taking the last test, turning in the last paper, finalizing the last project. After nearly 2 decades of schooling I was relieved to be done. I guess it goes to show that learning doesn't stop or at least shouldn't stop with a diploma. I really am excited to learn a new language. I just have to get myself back into the mindset of studying and memorizing.
Anyone have some good pointers on learning a new language? (I've already started "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Spanish". No comments from the peanut gallery on that one please.)
Make today your best day!
Speaking of language school, it reminds me just how much work I have ahead. Unlike my fellow missionaries I've now been out of "school" two years. I remember well the sense of freedom I had after taking the last test, turning in the last paper, finalizing the last project. After nearly 2 decades of schooling I was relieved to be done. I guess it goes to show that learning doesn't stop or at least shouldn't stop with a diploma. I really am excited to learn a new language. I just have to get myself back into the mindset of studying and memorizing.
Anyone have some good pointers on learning a new language? (I've already started "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Spanish". No comments from the peanut gallery on that one please.)
Make today your best day!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
The Inspiration to Write
I felt that I should post another entry, but was feeling at a loss for inspiration.
As I thought about it though, each of you who is taking time to read this entry is a source of inspiration. It's encouraging to know that even 1 or 2 people are taking an interest in the journey that's ahead and that I am not just writing for nothing. The entries I'm writing now may not be the most exciting (afterall I am still in Austin), but it's helping me get in the habit of keeping everyone updated. I just hope the experiences I'll be sharing over the coming months and years will keep you interested and maybe provide a bit of inspiration for you in return.
I am also truly inspired and amazed by the incredible generosity of so many of my friends and family members. The financial, emotional and spiritual support I continue to get is such a blessing. Know that I am keeping you all in my prayers. Even if you have somehow happened upon this blog by accident and I have no idea who you are please know that you too have my prayers that you can make today your best day yet.
As I continue to spread the word about my mission trip I find it so encouraging when I see someone's face light up with interest, excitement, amazement or even just that look of "you're crazy". I know there's plenty of people out there that have had that last reaction. That's great though because it keeps me grounded and makes me realize that once in a while doing the right thing, the thing we feel called by God to do may be "crazy" and that's okay. Afterall, most anyone who has made a difference in this world has probably been seen as crazy by at least one person. So if you find yourself discerning the next move in your life (or even just in your day) first of all take it to prayer and have confidence that if the Lord is calling you to something that seems a bit crazy it may just be okay.
Make today your best day!
As I thought about it though, each of you who is taking time to read this entry is a source of inspiration. It's encouraging to know that even 1 or 2 people are taking an interest in the journey that's ahead and that I am not just writing for nothing. The entries I'm writing now may not be the most exciting (afterall I am still in Austin), but it's helping me get in the habit of keeping everyone updated. I just hope the experiences I'll be sharing over the coming months and years will keep you interested and maybe provide a bit of inspiration for you in return.
I am also truly inspired and amazed by the incredible generosity of so many of my friends and family members. The financial, emotional and spiritual support I continue to get is such a blessing. Know that I am keeping you all in my prayers. Even if you have somehow happened upon this blog by accident and I have no idea who you are please know that you too have my prayers that you can make today your best day yet.
As I continue to spread the word about my mission trip I find it so encouraging when I see someone's face light up with interest, excitement, amazement or even just that look of "you're crazy". I know there's plenty of people out there that have had that last reaction. That's great though because it keeps me grounded and makes me realize that once in a while doing the right thing, the thing we feel called by God to do may be "crazy" and that's okay. Afterall, most anyone who has made a difference in this world has probably been seen as crazy by at least one person. So if you find yourself discerning the next move in your life (or even just in your day) first of all take it to prayer and have confidence that if the Lord is calling you to something that seems a bit crazy it may just be okay.
Make today your best day!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
180 Degrees
I'm not really sure if there is any way to prepare for your life to make a complete 180. Actually, I'm pretty sure there isn't. I guess you just jump on and hold on tight, and that's what makes life exciting. (Although, if you ask anyone who has spent a day with me at an amusement park too many sudden turns doesn't usually end well.)
I've been thinking of some of the 180 type turns I'll have to make (most of them for the better).
Life Now
My day winds down around 7 a.m.
Life to Come
The day is just beginning at 7 a.m.
Life Now
I see only a few hours of daylight
Life to Come
I'll see only a few hours of darkness
Life Now
A 60 degree day is quite warm
Life to Come
60 degrees will feel refreshingly cool
Life Now
I spend hours sitting at a computer
Life to Come
I'll have very limited computer access
Life Now
My work is mindnumbing & stressful
Life to Come
My work should be mindblowing & life changing
Life Now
I'm broke & living paycheck to paycheck
Life to Come
I'll have no money & be living on the charity of others
Life Now
I have to keep abreast of all the latest news
Life to Come
I'll be very disconnected from the news
Life Now
My job isn't exactly Catholic friendly
Life to Come
I'll be working for a Catholic mission
Life Now
Church on Sundays & adoration occassionally
Life to Come
Everyday & through the day is faith focused
Life Now
For hours on end I work alone
Life to Come
I will be working with dozens of others
Life Now
I for the most part live alone
Life to Come
I'll be living with dozens of others
Life Now
I have my own bedroom
Life to Come
I'll be sharing a room with a few others
Life Now
I have my own bathroom
Life to Come
I'll be sharing 1 bathroom with a dozen others
Life Now
I speak English
Life to Come
I'll hopefully be able to speak Spanish.
Life Now
I cook for myself & not all that well
Life to Come
I'll be cooking for dozens & hopefully better
Life Now
I see a bug, squirm slightly & smush it
Life to Come
I'll see many more & much bigger bugs & freak out
Life Now
I live in Austin, MN where the nearest body of water is pig stink pond.
Life to Come
I'll live in Trujillo, Honduras where the Caribbean Sea is my front yard.
I'm sure this is just a small fraction of all the amazing changes to come. There will undoubtedly be so much more so make sure to stay tuned!
Make today your best day!
~ Katherine
I've been thinking of some of the 180 type turns I'll have to make (most of them for the better).
Life Now
My day winds down around 7 a.m.
Life to Come
The day is just beginning at 7 a.m.
Life Now
I see only a few hours of daylight
Life to Come
I'll see only a few hours of darkness
Life Now
A 60 degree day is quite warm
Life to Come
60 degrees will feel refreshingly cool
Life Now
I spend hours sitting at a computer
Life to Come
I'll have very limited computer access
Life Now
My work is mindnumbing & stressful
Life to Come
My work should be mindblowing & life changing
Life Now
I'm broke & living paycheck to paycheck
Life to Come
I'll have no money & be living on the charity of others
Life Now
I have to keep abreast of all the latest news
Life to Come
I'll be very disconnected from the news
Life Now
My job isn't exactly Catholic friendly
Life to Come
I'll be working for a Catholic mission
Life Now
Church on Sundays & adoration occassionally
Life to Come
Everyday & through the day is faith focused
Life Now
For hours on end I work alone
Life to Come
I will be working with dozens of others
Life Now
I for the most part live alone
Life to Come
I'll be living with dozens of others
Life Now
I have my own bedroom
Life to Come
I'll be sharing a room with a few others
Life Now
I have my own bathroom
Life to Come
I'll be sharing 1 bathroom with a dozen others
Life Now
I speak English
Life to Come
I'll hopefully be able to speak Spanish.
Life Now
I cook for myself & not all that well
Life to Come
I'll be cooking for dozens & hopefully better
Life Now
I see a bug, squirm slightly & smush it
Life to Come
I'll see many more & much bigger bugs & freak out
Life Now
I live in Austin, MN where the nearest body of water is pig stink pond.
Life to Come
I'll live in Trujillo, Honduras where the Caribbean Sea is my front yard.
I'm sure this is just a small fraction of all the amazing changes to come. There will undoubtedly be so much more so make sure to stay tuned!
Make today your best day!
~ Katherine
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
12 Weeks & Counting
The countdown is on.
I now have basically have 12 weeks until I leave, given that I fly into Guatemala on August 1st (still the exact date is tbd). It seems like so long and yet not long enough. It seems too long in the sense that I would rather be there already. Of course though when I think of all I have to get done before then it doesn't seem long enough.
I've gotten a decent start on fundraising. I cannot thank everyone enough who has already joined me in this mission financially. I am amazed by people's generosity and excitement to be involved. Really all I can ask is that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I'm there. A simple "Hello, How's Life" and update on your own life back home will be just as greatly appreciated as any amount of money ever could be.
Over the weekend I had the great opportunity to hear Matthew Kelly speak again. (If you're ever looking for a great book pick up "Rediscovering Catholicism"... even if you haven't discovered it in the first place.) During his talk he mentioned a quote by St. Catherine of Siena which I think everyone can take some wisdom from. She said “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” (Now please don't take this literally because I know we can all agree arson is not a good thing.) I think that this simple truth can be very helpful in times of uncertainty. If you're ever not sure if what you are doing is what you're called to do just keep this in mind. When your will matches up with God's will for your life there will be little if any doubt because he will instill in you a passion that will set the world on fire. That said... no one ever said getting to that point would be easy, but with Christ all things are possible. (This is easier said than done... I will likely need to remind myself of this a few months down the road when I find myself fending off some giant spider or other creature with more than 4 legs that should not exist.) The adventures he has in store for each of us is amazing so even though it may not be what you have planned trust that he'll take you exactly where you need to be.
Till next time!
Make today your best day!
God Bless,
I now have basically have 12 weeks until I leave, given that I fly into Guatemala on August 1st (still the exact date is tbd). It seems like so long and yet not long enough. It seems too long in the sense that I would rather be there already. Of course though when I think of all I have to get done before then it doesn't seem long enough.
I've gotten a decent start on fundraising. I cannot thank everyone enough who has already joined me in this mission financially. I am amazed by people's generosity and excitement to be involved. Really all I can ask is that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I'm there. A simple "Hello, How's Life" and update on your own life back home will be just as greatly appreciated as any amount of money ever could be.
Over the weekend I had the great opportunity to hear Matthew Kelly speak again. (If you're ever looking for a great book pick up "Rediscovering Catholicism"... even if you haven't discovered it in the first place.) During his talk he mentioned a quote by St. Catherine of Siena which I think everyone can take some wisdom from. She said “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” (Now please don't take this literally because I know we can all agree arson is not a good thing.) I think that this simple truth can be very helpful in times of uncertainty. If you're ever not sure if what you are doing is what you're called to do just keep this in mind. When your will matches up with God's will for your life there will be little if any doubt because he will instill in you a passion that will set the world on fire. That said... no one ever said getting to that point would be easy, but with Christ all things are possible. (This is easier said than done... I will likely need to remind myself of this a few months down the road when I find myself fending off some giant spider or other creature with more than 4 legs that should not exist.) The adventures he has in store for each of us is amazing so even though it may not be what you have planned trust that he'll take you exactly where you need to be.
Till next time!
Make today your best day!
God Bless,
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