About Me

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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

180 Degrees

I'm not really sure if there is any way to prepare for your life to make a complete 180. Actually, I'm pretty sure there isn't. I guess you just jump on and hold on tight, and that's what makes life exciting. (Although, if you ask anyone who has spent a day with me at an amusement park too many sudden turns doesn't usually end well.)

I've been thinking of some of the 180 type turns I'll have to make (most of them for the better).

Life Now
My day winds down around 7 a.m.
Life to Come                       
The day is just beginning at 7 a.m.

Life Now
I see only a few hours of daylight
Life to Come                             
I'll see only a few hours of darkness

Life Now
A 60 degree day is quite warm      
Life to Come  
60 degrees will feel refreshingly cool

Life Now
I spend hours sitting at a computer                             
Life to Come  

I'll have very limited computer access

Life Now
My work is mindnumbing & stressful                        
Life to Come

My work should be mindblowing & life changing
Life Now

I'm broke & living paycheck to paycheck                 
Life to Come 

I'll have no money & be living on the charity of others

Life Now
I have to keep abreast of all the latest news                
Life to Come 

I'll be very disconnected from the news

Life Now
My job isn't exactly Catholic friendly                          
Life to Come  
I'll be working for a Catholic mission

Life Now
Church on Sundays & adoration occassionally            
Life to Come  

Everyday & through the day is faith focused

Life Now
For hours on end I work alone                                   
Life to Come  

I will be working with dozens of others

Life Now

I for the most part live alone                                       
Life to Come 

I'll be living with dozens of others

Life Now
I have my own bedroom                                          
Life to Come  

I'll be sharing a room with a few others

Life Now
I have my own bathroom                                         
Life to Come  

I'll be sharing 1 bathroom with a dozen others

Life Now
I speak English                                                        
Life to Come

I'll hopefully be able to speak Spanish.

Life Now
I cook for myself & not all that well                            
Life to Come  

I'll be cooking for dozens & hopefully better

Life Now
I see a bug, squirm slightly & smush it                         
Life to Come  

I'll see many more & much bigger bugs & freak out

Life Now
I live in Austin, MN where the nearest body of water is pig stink pond.
Life to Come 
I'll live in Trujillo, Honduras where the Caribbean Sea is my front yard.

I'm sure this is just a small fraction of all the amazing changes to come. There will undoubtedly be so much more so make sure to stay tuned!

Make today your best day!

~ Katherine

1 comment:

  1. What an opportunity Kit, and if I know you at all, you will make the absolute best of it take so much from it!
