About Me

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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

12 Weeks & Counting

                                                                     The countdown is on.

I now have basically have 12 weeks until I leave, given that I fly into Guatemala on August 1st (still the exact date is tbd). It seems like so long and yet not long enough. It seems too long in the sense that I would rather be there already. Of course though when I think of all I have to get done before then it doesn't seem long enough.

I've gotten a decent start on fundraising. I cannot thank everyone enough who has already joined me in this mission financially. I am amazed by people's generosity and excitement to be involved. Really all I can ask is that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers while I'm there. A simple "Hello, How's Life" and update on your own life back home will be just as greatly appreciated as any amount of money ever could be.

Over the weekend I had the great opportunity to hear Matthew Kelly speak again. (If you're ever looking for a great book pick up "Rediscovering Catholicism"... even if you haven't discovered it in the first place.) During his talk he mentioned a quote by St. Catherine of Siena which I think everyone can take some wisdom from. She said “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” (Now please don't take this literally because I know we can all agree arson is not a good thing.) I think that this simple truth can be very helpful in times of uncertainty. If you're ever not sure if what you are doing is what you're called to do just keep this in mind. When your will matches up with God's will for your life there will be little if any doubt because he will instill in you a passion that will set the world on fire. That said... no one ever said getting to that point would be easy, but with Christ all things are possible. (This is easier said than done... I will likely need to remind myself of this a few months down the road when I find myself fending off some giant spider or other creature with more than 4 legs that should not exist.) The adventures he has in store for each of us is amazing so even though it may not be what you have planned trust that he'll take you exactly where you need to be.

Till next time!
Make today your best day!

God Bless,


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