About Me

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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Inspiration to Write

I felt that I should post another entry, but was feeling at a loss for inspiration.

As I thought about it though, each of you who is taking time to read this entry is a source of inspiration. It's encouraging to know that even 1 or 2 people are taking an interest in the journey that's ahead and that I am not just writing for nothing. The entries I'm writing now may not be the most exciting (afterall I am still in Austin), but it's helping me get in the habit of keeping everyone updated. I just hope the experiences I'll be sharing over the coming months and years will keep you interested and maybe provide a bit of inspiration for you in return.

I am also truly inspired and amazed by the incredible generosity of so many of my friends and family members. The financial, emotional and spiritual support I continue to get is such a blessing. Know that I am keeping you all in my prayers. Even if you have somehow happened upon this blog by accident and I have no idea who you are please know that you too have my prayers that you can make today your best day yet.

As I continue to spread the word about my mission trip I find it so encouraging when I see someone's face light up with interest, excitement, amazement or even just that look of "you're crazy". I know there's plenty of people out there that have had that last reaction. That's great though because it keeps me grounded and makes me realize that once in a while doing the right thing, the thing we feel called by God to do may be "crazy" and that's okay. Afterall, most anyone who has made a difference in this world has probably been seen as crazy by at least one person. So if you find yourself discerning the next move in your life (or even just in your day) first of all take it to prayer and have confidence that if the Lord is calling you to something that seems a bit crazy it may just be okay.

Make today your best day!

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