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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Phase II


This is the start of Day 3 at la Finca (The Farm). I don’t know when this will actually get posted though because we don’t have internet here. We have access if we can head into town or get a chance to head to “Tranquility Bay” a.k.a. T-Bay a resort about 10 minutes walk down the beach. To give you some perspective from now on I will attempt to always date my entry as to when I am writing it. However, the blog also adds the date as to when it was posted so don’t get confused by seeing two dates.
I digress… Laura, Kevin, Kiddissa, Emily and I arrived at la Finca after spending a few days in La Ceiba (Say-ba) which is a larger city further west along the coast. Ceiba has just about everything any large city in the states would have including a hospital, mall, movie theatre, fast food, and perhaps most vital… places with air conditioning! We definitely took advantage of that.
Ceiba is where Phase II of the farm exists. Phase II is the program for teens from the Finca that have passed the 9th grade. It is the bridge to independent living. In general the teens that live at phase II are ages 16-18. For the most part once the kids turn 18 they are on their own. That’s not to say the Farm doesn’t support them, but they are no longer under the guardianship of The Farm.
Phase II is a bit different for each of the teens. For some it is finishing “high school” which usually comes not only with a diploma but also a certificate of training in a specific trade. For others phase II can be more like a work study. Once they “graduate” Phase II some go on to university, others work in various trades. The goal is not that each of our kids is on the track to university to be the next great doctor or lawyer, but that they can learn to love, live a moral life and be a successful member of society.
Right now in Phase II there are 3 girls and 2 boys that live in neighboring apartments. Currently MayKate is the missionary living with the girls and Nils lives with the boys. Also in charge of Phase II is Sor (sister) Kady. She actually lives here in Trujillo at the Finca, but goes to Ceiba every Thursday through Saturday to work with the teens.
            Another aspect of our program in Ceiba is the Saterlee family. They are from Iowa (with Minnesota connections). Their son (age 17) and daughter (age 15) attend a bi-lingual high school in Ceiba. Their mission is one of support and hospitality. Their apartment is often a stopping point for missionaries, guests, families others with Farm ties who are traveling to the Farm from various locations. They also support the work of MaryKate and Nils with phase II. Lastly, and perhaps most important for those of us at the Farm the Saterlees and their apartment are a bit of an oasis for a weekend escape from the Farm. 

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