About Me

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Catholic. Photographer. Writer. Producer. Videographer. Editor. Spanish speaker. Passionate about travel, culture and giving you a platform to tell your life story. Firm believer that peppermint dark chocolate and autumn hikes can make any day amazing!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Shots, Shots, Shots

The goal: not to look like this!
Shots, shots, shots and more shots. Unfortunately these are not the enjoyable shots ;) I spent the start of my weekend (Friday morning) at Mayo Clinic getting a load of vaccines. Lifting my arms above head today is quite the task. Other than the flu shot, it was just the first round of vaccines. When all is said and done I will (hopefully) be protected against Hepatitas A, Typhoid Fever, and Rabies (I haven't started that one yet).

I'm sure my insurance company loves me a whole lot right now (not)! Then the doc. also gave me a bunch of pills for the "just in case" type scenarios which you never hope to need. I've also got a few doses of anti-malaria pills. It's too bad the millions of mosquito bites I got as a child haven't built up some sort of immunity.

The doc. also went over lots of "travel safety" tips... all things that you'd think would be common sense. In reality though they are all things I guess I've learned while galavanting around the world on previous adventures. The one thing tip she gav that definitely caught my attention though... "Make sure to shake out your shoes before putting them on." Why you ask?... Spiders :( These aren't little Minnesota spiders that can be smushed with you pinky but ones that would probably eat your pinky. Well, maybe not but I'd prefer not to find out.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Piles of Paperwork

Who ever thought one could be excited about mounds and mounds of paperwork, but in some ways I actually am. You see this week I am working on compiling letters to mail out to just about anyone and everyone I know. So as the piles of paperwork grow I'm excited because I know it's one more letter going out to someone who will hopefully become as excited about this mission as I am. It's not exactly a quick process though. So far I've compiled 50 envelopes. That includes an information brochure, a letter, (which in no subtle way also asks for financial support) a donation/prayer support form and a return envelope. If I wasn't a patient person and in desperate need of money I'd have probably quite after writing my return address on about the 10th envelope. Nothing like a little writer's cramp to humble a person!

That's not the only paperwork though. I am also going through the process of filling out all the health forms, releases etc... you know all those things that basically say we're not responsible if lightning strikes you etc. This Friday I am going to Mayo's Travel Clinic. I think this will probably involve numerous shots, blood draws and other very enjoyable tests. I'll just be glad to get one more step completed.

But I should get back to stuffing envelopes so I can get letters mailed out asap.

I hope anyone reading this has a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I've just met the 3 other missionaries who will be heading to Honduras with me. I guess "met" is a loose term yet. We've emailed each other and I've tracked one of them down on Facebook. I am looking forward to getting to know them each better over the coming months and years. Our group is somewhat small though, and could still use a few other volunteers. The Farm is looking for someone to fill the role of a nurse for our term from 2012 to 2014. Also they are looking for 2 more missionaries, preferably men simply to balance out the numbers. If you know of anyone who may be interested or maybe you yourself are don't hesitate to contact me or just check out the website www.farmofthechild.org